About the Artist

Emma Coombes - the Artist behind the Elm & the Raven

Finding the Muse in Nature's Call

Where Creativity and Intuition Unite

Black and white Image of the Artist Emma Coombes

Sourced from Tasmania's Lush Huon Valley

Emma Coombes is a photographer and visual artist committed to preserving the natural beauty of wild Tasmania. Through her work, she aims to raise awareness of the profound impact our surroundings have on our wellbeing, sense of community, and creativity. Influenced by her years on the island and its ancient landscapes, Emma’s process and concepts are deeply rooted in her connection to Tasmania’s wilderness.

Her artistic vision invokes contemplation, inviting viewers to enter ethereal realms of myth and storytelling. Emma’s photographs are imbued with subtle moods, reminiscent of dreams and childhood yearnings. Mirroring the beauty of nature, her images offer stolen pauses that reignite our sense of wonder and awareness of both beauty and danger. She seamlessly merges reality with dream states, using the fantastic to evoke awe in our existence.

By merging reality and the subconscious, nature and storytelling serve as guideposts in her art. Through discernment and thoughtful consideration, she creates photographs that connect us to our innate sense of universal wisdom and compassion.

Working across photography, digital media, painting, and illustration, Emma emphasizes moments of awe found in nature and the inspiration, solace, and fulfillment that connection to place can bring.

Her first solo exhibition, “DEADWOOD,” was held at the Huon Valley Artbox and Hub Gallery in 2023. Emma’s work has been showcased at various exhibitions, including the Annual Huon Art Awards, Geeveston Art Show, Hobart Rotary Art Show, and the 2023 Regional Arts Network Tasmania Minds Do Matter exhibition.

In addition to her art practice, Emma is a passionate writer currently working on a fantasy novel series titled “Silverlight,” with plans to create an illustrated edition.

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